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A Long Awaited Revenge

It has been a long time since we have seen Obi.Of course Reyu and I have been looking for him all this while but I never imagined that our reunion will be somewhat like this. Obi , Reyu and I have been training since we were twelve and all those times that we had spent together brought us so close to each other that when we look back at those times, it is almost impossible to believe what has become of Obi now.

It is not like we have never heard of him since then or he doesn't know that we were looking for him, but to think of him as a criminal working under someone who killed hundreds of members of our own clan, just makes it so difficult to believe. Sword fighting is the speciality of our clan,. Everyone of our clan is taught sword fighting from twelve years of age.Obi, Reyu and I used to train under the same teacher.Two years before we started training, our clan was attacked by an extremely skilled sword man, Fuga, who killed hundreds of our members which also included... Obi's father.

Since then he had always trained hard; he had only one motive- to avenge his father's death. No doubt that he was already stronger than both of us back then, but he was always craving for more training and more power. The day wasn't far away when he felt that the training was not just enough and all of a sudden he left us to approach Fuga. At first we thought that he was going to fight him but when people of our clan went to save him what they discovered was rather a shock. Obi did not go there to avenge his father but merely for more power and strength.It made us think that his obsession for strength made him blind... blind enough to make him forget his whole motive behind his becoming strong. We never seemed to understand why he would make such a move.His whole objective seemed pointless. Did he just forget why he was gathering all this strength all along?

Obi had to follow some of Fuga's orders in order to win his trust. He must never have wanted to kill any innocent person but he did because Fuga wanted it. On the other hand Fuga gave him training, the training that he wanted. Reyu and I would often ask our superiors to bring back Obi since he was misleaded by the darkness he was in but that again doesn't change the fact that he had gone to Fuga on his own free will and that is precisely why men of our clan could not go to rescue him.

Reyu has been working hard as well so that when we finally see him he can show him a right way and bring him back but that would not be easy since he has become way stronger than he was when he left. We have missed Obi during the training and basically all the time. I remember once during our training Reyu caught me looking at the sky indifferent enough not to notice him coming to me. He quickly understood whom I was thinking about and then told me something I think I would never forget. He said," There must be a reason why Obi is doing so. We know him right? He would never do such a thing. Personally I think, as his friends, we must trust him more. Have faith in him and I'm sure things will be absolutely fine again." I didn't reply, just smiled.

Reyu and I have trained very hard to achieve our aim but it turned out that everything was in vain. Not many days ago, a sword man came in the middle of our training session and filled us in with the news that Obi has come back and surrendered himself to the police.The most unexpected part comes next where he also has claimed to have murdered Fuga. This piece of news made us unable to reach a justification. We hurried to the police station and seeing Obi standing in front of us, after six whole years, here at this place, we could neither smile nor cry.

Moments later Obi came and hugged Reyu," I missed you guys." Reyu could hardly speak and his eyes became bigger than ever. I retorted,"Then why did you leave in the first place?" What he said after that was something probably no one could have thought of. "I had to settle business with somebody you see.I knew with the kind of skills and strength we have, I could never avenge my father, so I went to him in search for power. Yes I had to do things I never wanted to but at the end I fulfilled my aim; I killed him. I have committed many crimes and I am ready for the penalty that awaits.Since I am done with my motives now, I am here to pay for it." He gave a vague smile. Things started to make sense now.

It seemed as if the snake who nursed the baby bird on his own nest so that it can use his prey for his own purpose, fell prey to the bird itself.It might have failed to understand that the bird he was nursing all along would turn out to be a hawk. We saw the police taking Obi yet there was nothing we could do.He said one last thing to us before leaving,"Thank you for not giving up on me."At that point I remembered what Reyu told me. Well, believing in him was not a bad idea after all.



10 g road, Barrackpore,Kolkata, India.



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